As a 501(c)(6) Corporation, the APIA is a non-profit, lobbying association, and is registered as such.  To fulfill our mandate to achieve the highest levels of professionalism in the field of private investigation, we push for improvements in the existing licensure laws.  In addition to working alongside the APIB to improve existing legislation, we will not only help in drafting legislation, but we actively promote changes in legislation by lobbying state legislators in furtherance of these goals. 


The APIA is fortunate to have a member like Mike Knizel, both as a trustee and as our lobbyist. Mike is experienced in lobbying activity. He will chair our Legislative Committee and will guide our member volunteers to lobby on behalf of the interests of the APIA. 

Legislation & Lobbying Activity

Legislative Improvement -

As you know, obtaining a license to operate as a Licensed Private Investigator in Alabama requires only a basic background check (no felonies) and passing an exam. We nave NO MINIMUM STANDARDS, NO ENTRY or TRAINING LEVEL or APPRENTICESHIP to be licensed. The APIA desires to have standards for licensing.

Our legislative committee includes:

  • Mike Knizel, Central District VP
  • Bill Warren, Trustee
    • Who both have extensive experience in lobbying are spearheading our efforts to promote our recommendations that will elevate the status of the Alabama Private Investigator, while offering protections to the public and consumers of our services while guarding our profession against unlicensed and unregulated entities that operate in Alabama. Hopefully, upgrading our standards will lead to more reciprocation with other states. The link below will allow you to learn more about our position. Our recommendations include 4 parts that will bring our standards up to acceptable levels and are equal to or better than neighboring states (reciprocation).

      • Minimum Standards - experience and education.
      • Apprentice Licenses - training opportunities.
      • Agency Licenses - regulation of entities both in state and out of state.
      • Insurance Requirements - protection for the public, and consumers of our services.

      2019 Legislative Recommendations

2018 Legislative monitoring was done by Mr. McMillan keeping us informed about HB 327. This was introduced by the APIB to include "housekeeping" changes to the existing law. There was some concerning language about the APIA in the original draft, however our entire Board of Directors were made aware and we worked with the APIB to make sure the changes did no harm to the APIA. Special thanks to Jim Casteel, David Whitson, Bill Warren, and Rodney Brown for their input to that process.

2017 Legislation Activities Place Holder

2016 Legislation Activities Place Holder

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